Cheers to this new journey!!

Holla People,

Welcome to my blog. This is me Susweta Biswas – a traveler, bookworm and someone with an endless love for pizzas. Writing and sharing my thoughts has always been my passion. But the one thing that drove me to leave the conventional lifestyle and pursue something different is my dream of traveling to every nook and cranny of this incredible world and taste all those delicious dishes that every nation has to provide. Yes, quite a dream, isn’t it? But what I believe in is that the first step towards truly living your life is to start dreaming. There is this famous quote that can be seen very commonly in the Insta stories and Whatsapp statuses – ‘In the end, you will only regret the chances you didn’t take.’ And I didn’t want to have that regret and so here I am, starting my journey with baby steps. My first post will be up soon. Till then, take care guys.

With love,

Susweta. 🙂